Monday, November 27, 2006

Dodge Family Portrait

I had a wonderful time yesterday afternoon with the Dodge family. We wandered around Balboa Park taking pictures as we went. I got some beautiful shots, although that isn't hard with such a gorgeous family.

The Kids

The Happy Family

The Proud Parents




Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Eileen Cowin

Lately I have been working hard on my final project for Studio Lighting. I was instructed to pick a photographer, use an idea from their work, expand it, and make it my own. I chose Eileen Cowin. who had a series of photos during the 80s of her and her twin sister in the frame. These are two pictures I shot in the studio with my sister 2 days ago. More to come.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Tour of the Southwest

I am going on another roadtrip in the beginning of January and can't wait. This picture was taken while on my very first roadtrip in the summer of 2005. I will be visiting Arizona, New Mexico, and Western Texas.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Java Mama Photo Contest

I entered this image in a photo contest for the grand opening of a local coffee shop called Java Mama. The theme for the contest was kids being kids. I took this picture last easter of my cousin Jack and if you are wondering yes it did hurt when the ball hit me. The grand opening isn't until sometime in December but I was too excited to wait to post it.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Lovely Nathalie in the Park

It's great having such a gorgeous friend at my disposal. Not only is she stunning all around but hers eyes are a piercing crystal blue.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Mecca Hills

I went to the Mecca Hills this past weekend with the boys. We had perfect weather and did some awesome hikes in these amazing slot canyons.

The View from my Tent

The Boys, the boys

The Beautiful Slots

Shimmying over some tight slots

Sometimes it was unclear on which way to go but nature always seemed to point us in the right direction

Corey being a little dramatic

Pat walking down an unstable cliff

Unfortunately Corey was not so lucky, the eye ring didn't hold and I unknowingly captured him in mid free fall. (He fell 25ft. but walked off with only a few scratches)

Posing over the Slots

Yeah, I beat them all up the canyon

Friday, November 10, 2006

Studio Lighting

I've been working very hard in my studio lighting class lately. These pictures are my first attempts at strobes. My main focus was manipulating the temperatures of light to achieve the desired colors.

These next two were the second part of the assignment, shooting outside of the studio with flash.

A big thanks to Nathalie for always being a beautiful model.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Wedding at the Darlington House

These are some of my favorite shots from the wedding I shot with Melissa Schwartz and Jasmine Star . For some reason I wasn't able to upload two of them.

A Gorgeous afternoon at the Darlington House in La Jolla.

The Dress

Getting Ready through the eyes of the Flower girls

The Bride sneaking a peak at her guests

The Staircase to the Bridal Suite

Heading down the stairs for her grand entrance

The Ceremony

The flowers girls peeking through the gate

The Beautiful Centerpieces

The Groom enjoying cocktail hour

Fun on the dance floor

The Last Dance

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fun in New Jersey

I got the opportunity to travel to New Jersey with a family I was working for at the time. They had three children Ansley(8), Riley(6), and Christopher(4). These kids are always soo much fun and made me laugh more than anyone. These were some photos I took of them in New Jersey. I took them trick-or-treating for their first Halloween this year and have never seen three kids so excited. I love these kids.